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Many people believe that acting classes are only necessary for those who have decided to dedicate their lives to a career as an actor. In fact, acting is a useful thing and in everyday life, then we will talk about what exactly are the benefits.

Acting to loosen up and accept yourself
Acting has a lot to do with psychology and self-discovery. Unfortunately, every day we are forced to submit to the unspoken rules of behavior in society, to limit ourselves in the manifestation of emotions. We stay within the framework of habitual patterns of behavior: we use a meager set of habitual gestures, facial expressions and intonations in our lives. Our acquaintances and friends also get used to seeing us in a certain role. We never go beyond these limits because we are afraid of being judged. As a result – we become stiff and withdrawn.

In acting courses teachers hold special training on the liberation, learning how to behave more freely and openly in everyday life. This sincerity and self-confidence makes us more attractive in the eyes of others.

You learn without fear to express their opinions, learn to react calmly to stressful situations, without scandals out of conflict.

Trained memory
Acting courses will definitely benefit your memory, because you will need to memorize long lines and even whole plays. Psychologists have found that for better memorization, a person should focus not on the words, but on the very meaning of the book, on the emotions and character of the character.

A better understanding of other people’s emotions and intentions
In acting classes, you will learn how to reincarnate into a radically different character. In order for the reincarnation to be successful, you need a good understanding of body language, as well as an understanding of what is behind certain gestures and facial expressions. This is a very useful skill, when you master it, you will easily read the emotional state of your interlocutor, you will be able to calculate whether he is lying or telling the truth, whether he has a good attitude towards you or secretly dislikes you.

Not only psychologists, but also professional actors can boast of the developed skills of understanding other people’s minds.

The ability to control their own emotions.
To play a role well, an actor needs to learn how to control his emotional state. Actors are the same people as you and me, with the same everyday problems and troubles. They can come to a performance in a bad mood, but they have to play their part perfectly.

The skill of self-control in all situations is very useful in life. We all wear masks: the friendly salesman, the caring daughter-in-law, the attentive teacher, etc. In some circumstances, such roles are difficult to perform, but thanks to special acting techniques to keep self-control will be much easier.

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